[email protected] out, cher! I like yer 'handle'..
Frannie B
well, i'm real sorry brooklyn.
but you have gone too far this time.
you have attacked the islamic brotherhood.
[email protected] out, cher! I like yer 'handle'..
Frannie B
well, i'm real sorry brooklyn.
but you have gone too far this time.
you have attacked the islamic brotherhood.
Hamas, if yer really serious, go down to tha "Big Easy" and put some voodoo on 'em... I think the pins to stick in tha dolls are free...
Frannie B
was there anything in particular that drove you nuts at the kingdom hall ??
Come to think of it, I had a LOT of pet peeves at the KH....(pondering, rubs chin)
Got royally ticked off when I tried to get a letter into the circus serpent's hands after a meeting one time, and wound up playing it like running a pigskin into the endzone while the buzzer's soundin'....those fellers were ALL OVER me, trying to prevent me from gettin' that info to him....rat batards!
Frannie B (of the "doin' tha endzone dance" class)
when you were still faithful to the borg, did you shun family or other people, because of the watchtower ???.
when you look back now, what goes through your mind ??
Yes, but I never enjoyed doing it....thought it was a shtupid thing to hafta do..
Frannie B
i think he'd use the theme from "beverly hills cop"....it sounds like a "wake up call" with really jazzed up *flute* music...what do yall think?
frannie b
Ewwwwww....kewl beans, yall....this is gettin' good! Yaay Valis for findin' the lyrics!
Frannie B
i recently posted a news article about how a jw said they get dogs sicced on them or they get urine thrown on them.
the worst thing that ever happened to me was when a chubby man with long blonde hair and glasses opened the door and said, "no!
there is no f--king god!
Pat, I still think it's persecution when they come to the door nekkid and don't let ya see enough to really scare ya....(licks snowcone)
Franny B
i feel like such a fool!.
i was spoofed this week by a 13-year-old girl.
she approached me through yahoo and led me to believe that i had finally made contact with one of my family.
((((Swan))))....consider it "lesson learned" and don't continue to beat yourself up over it.....then, if there is a "next time" start with questions to verify first, cherie....sorry you went thru this, chica....at least when her actions catch up with her, she'll know why she deserves the pain they cause her....
Frannie B
was there anything in particular that made your stomach turn upside down in knots while you were a jw ?????.
armageddon ???.
giving talks ???.
1. giving talks
2. expressing my own opinion
3. elders knocking on my door
They were all over me....even had people spying on me, while pretending to befriend me....(grrrrrrrr)
Frannie B
about seven weeks ago i posted here for the first time.
in that post i said i'd like to be reinstated but felt it likely wouldn't happen because the shunning was too much for me.
well, my prayers have been answered and i am reinstated.
Adidas, NG...ttfn
Frannie B
do you recall this being said, over and over again?
we, as witnesses, will look like we're on the brink of extinction, and all of a sudden, jehovah will protect his people, like his eyeball.
is this crazy or what??
LOL, Minimus! Looks *more* like Jah's cleanin off his "doorstep" *first" by allowing the revealing of all the molestation and rape smut...and U.N.-N.G.O. shtuff that's been swept under the carpet for so many years...to be revealed and broadcast far and wide...
Frannie B